Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The big bang!

Ok so thanks to @jessie_barbie you guys get a Dricki fic from me to.. I promise to be all cute and what have you but just know it kills my Onikafaree heart. So a run down to how this will work.. As you know if you read my story something like Onikafaree in the beginning she was dating Drake.. Well they were about to get married and all that good stuff.. Well this is the stuff I skipped out on.. Yes this means this story will be short.. But who knows if I want ill bring another story with the two in it.. If you have Dricki pics I need some for my background.. So feel free to drop them in my dms.. K thanks bye!

Some where in ATL…

“Forty who’s that?” Drake asked getting out of the car grabbing his carry on bag.

Man what you talking bout who is who?”

“That girl right there?”

“The thick one with the pink and black hair man?”

“Yeah her.”

“I though you got introduced to all of young money?”

“I did but not her. Shes in young money?”

“Yes and you should know her off rip man.”

“And why is that I’ve never seen some one so beautiful in all my life.”

“Well man its not like you will have a chance with that one.”

“What you mean I wont have a chance I bet I could get her to talk to me.”

“Don’t set your self up for failure man.”

“What you trying to say?”

“Nothing Drizzy Drake. Go say hi and let me know how it goes.”

Drake walked to the tour bus and hopped on. He said hi to every one except Nicki. He sat down in the seat next to her making his self comfortable.

“Hi how are you beautiful I’m Aubrey.” He said reaching out his hand for Nicki’s.

“Hi I’m Nicki.” She said looking at his hand. “And if you don’t mind ill be sitting over there.” She said getting up and sitting in a empty row.

“Well nice to meet you too.” Drake said slouching down in his chair.

The bus was quiet and dark Nicki sat watching cartoons on the flat screen TV behind the bus driver. She laughed when she saw Stewie hit Brian on the head with a golf club.

“Is this seat taken.” She heard a smooth deep voice say taking the seat next to her.

“No its not.” She said moving her feet over.

“So you like this stuff?”

“Yeah best way to clear your mind cartoons and Judge Judy.”

“Ha ha OK.”

The show came to an end and Nicki put her head on the pillow she had on the arm of the couch. She sat flipping through the channel guide. She got to the movie section and slowed down.

“Have you ever seen that movie?”

“Which one its a bunch of movies on this list.”

“P.S. I love you.”

“Oh that one? No someone told me it made them cry so I never watched it..”

“Watch it its a good one.” He said picking up his note book and pen.

Nicki highlighted the movie and begin watching.
The next morning..

“Nicki! Nicki! wake up.” Safaree said hitting the couch.

“Huh what?”

“Wake up we stopping for breakfast.”

“Just get me something damn Safaree.”

“I don’t know what you want.”

“What ever you get is fine.” She said getting up and going to the back to her bunk.

“Why you so sleepy?”

“I stayed up watching movies with that new boy.”

“What new boy.”

“Aubrey.. Drake.. Jimmy.. What ever that boys name is.”

“Oh. OK well don’t complain about what I bring back.”

“Yeah yeah yeah don’t bring back nothing I don’t like.” She said pulling the covers back over her head.

“So how did you like the movie?” Drake said walking past her bunk.”

“I loved it! I thought it was cute. Thanks for having me watch it.” She said in an somewhat sleepy tone.

“No problem.”



“Sorry for being rude to you the other day. Its just that dudes always try to hit on me with whack lines and shit and I thought that’s what you were doing.”

“No. You will learn in time that’s just how I am.”

“Ha OK but i am sorry.”

” No problem your fine.” He said walking off the bus.

OK y’all I know both the chapters are short but I had to study so y’all will deal with what ya got!!!! :)) maybe ill post again maybe I wont… Only time will tell..


  1. Oh. & Drizzy thinks he slick. Nic ain't a easy catch. lol -Purp


    yess! *reads next chapter.*

    btw...if you still need Dricki pics, I HAVE THEM ALL! lol my Twitter is @TMAngel_

  3. Awwwww!!! This wuz so cute! ^_^ I kinda liked how Nic wuz playin hard to get when Drake introduced himself. Thas sexy, lol. I like this fic already *follows it*
